TCA College is an accredited multi-disciplinary Christian College founded by Trinity Christian Centre in 1979. The College seeks to glorify God by equipping Christ-centered and Spirit-empowered leaders to serve God's manifold purposes throughout our world.
God is the center of all that
we are and everything we do.
Life Transforming
We desire to see transformation
in thinking, values, and praxis so
that students may grow in Christlikeness.
We emphasize the empowerment
of the Holy Spirit to produce
fruitful lives and effective
Culturally Relevant
We relate learning to students’
cultural contexts to advance the
gospel in the church, marketplace,
and community.

Become a biblically-informed and professionally skilled counselor.
The School of Counseling is committed to the training of skilled, competent and professional counselors for the community and churches. Our training is student-focused and holistic. It also provides for the inclusion of spirituality in counseling, psychology and theology.
Become a minister who is grounded in truth to impact our generation.
Programs offered by the school provide a sound grounding in theology as well as practical ministry skills. Students are molded into critical thinkers, skillful practitioners and insightful ministers to fulfil the missional mandate of the gospel.